Whoopin' The BIG APPLE - Part 1 - Tiny Whoop - New York City - Team BIG WHOOP

7,962 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Tiny Whoop sets out to conquer the Big Apple! This is just part one, lots more footage and fun to come, so subscribe already! All of this footage is real-time.

I recently started selling these kits on my new online store at www.tinywhoop.com! I recommend getting an Inductrix and then buying the Upgrade Kit from my store - I've got a very simple video that can teach anyone to do the easy upgrade from Inductrix to Tiny Whoop in just a couple minutes.

Thanks for watching guys! Be sure to subscribe to see future episodes of Tiny Whoop - Whoopin' the Big Apple!
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Tiny Whoop

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HV Racing Practice - Tiny Whoop - New High Voltage Batteries!!
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