Pure Metal BABY! My new favorite ESC, the AirBot Wraith32 Metal- 6s 65amp with DSHOT 1200. After testing these with the 2010-2400kv motors on 5s I'm sold that this is the new top dog for 3D brushelss non-sensored ESC performance. Great test footage incoming... paired with the Fireworks V2 board from AirBot- I'm in love. I wanna test these with the new Helio Spring Flight Controller- might be the winning combo.
No other OEM slinging them metal mosfets that I know of... Might be safe to say the Wraith32 Metal series of ESC's are the best on the market.
I need more of these in my life.
#JustKwadThings #AirBot #AirVuz #Drone #FPV #RotorRiot #the #madscientest #kwadlyfe #kwad