Reverb VS Alien

22,253 Views · Posted 7 years ago
So as an Impulse RC team pilot I thought it my duty to report on these two freestyle frames and how they might fit alongside each other in the market.

This is very much own opinions and is not influenced in any way by Impulse rc. Its also simply my opinion, take the information for what it is and make up your own mind :)

Both drones used in this video run the follow hardware.

Kiss FC V2
Kiss 32a ESCS
T motor F40pro 2 2400kv
HQprop V1s PC 5x4.3x3
Team Blacksheep unify pro
Team Blacksheep LHCP Triumph Antenna
Team Blacksheep Micro Crossfire RX
HS1177 FPV Camera
1.8mm FPV Camera Lens

Impulse RC Reverb Frame -

Impulse RC Alien Frame -
Posted By

Snake FPV


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