14 items with #potato

Gave death to the 👽 - now grounded until I get some 🐺 PDB. But still did 27 packs practicing my eights. . Working on throttle and left turns. Stay tuned for a new video soon about everything I’m doing wrong (and things I do right, too 🙃) . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #fpvdrone #quadcopter #miniquad #fpvpilot #fpvfreestyle #fpvracing #alien #impulserc #giveitdeath #didit #grounded #potato #notapotato
Leave the sound on. 🚀✨ . What sound do you hear from your quad though. Some say “weeee” or “zeeee” or “vooooo”. I hear “zioooo” 😁 . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #miniquad #quadcopter #freestyle #fpvfreestyle #ziooooo #zioozioo #bam #scratch #ziooooagain #myhashtagsarelame #potato #snack #riceball
If it doesn’t make you smile, you’re doing it wrong 👊 . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #quadcopter #miniquad #potato #snack #trollyourmates #m8 #m9 #happymarmot #happyriceball
Happy Monday 🚀 Here is an old picture of my smiling Potato friend, taken back in December 2017 - I hope winter treats you well dear upside down people ! Here in koala land it is quite ☀️ Happy Flying everyone ♥️ . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #miniquad #quadcopter #potato #fpvfreestyle #fpvisfriendship #throwbackthursday #tbt #blabla #hashtaghashtag #notahashtag #fatshark #lhcp #riceball #snack
About a year ago I was meeting @snnnnaaaaaaake for the first time and mainly thanks to @brendensue who told me I should try to contact him because well, he’s a cool guy. One year later both of these guys hold a special place in my heart and I am so grateful I got to meet these two genuine souls in this life ♥️ Aside from this story time, we had a little reunion this weekend because MrSue came for a visit on our side of Straya and brought that silly quad with a 100 camera tilt with him. Lots of laughs (and fear ?) were involved in this session and I do hope you had a very nice FPV weekend too 😊👊 Happy Flying everyone !! Stay true ♥️ . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #quadcopter #miniquad #fpvisfriendship #fpvisfriendshipmate #potato #m8 #hashtagblabla
Testing Potato Cannons for Bringing Down Drones
New Baby called Donnie - because it’s all dark 🐰🖤 Slowly getting into racing with the help of @eastsidefpv 🏁 Back to BF 🐝 on this one ! . Thanks @blacksheepfpv @cnhl @hqpropzhong @oz.fpv for the support 🔥 . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #quadcopter #miniquad #racingquadcopter #fpvracing #fpvpilot #pfv #potato #newjourney #attempttorace #helix #impulseRC #teamblacksheep #cnhl #hqprop #hapinessishere #ozfpv
Then a wild 🐍 appeared. . If you want some 🥔 news, ep#2 of the Potatocast is out too. . #fpv #fvplife #drone #dronelife #quadcopter #miniquad #fpvfreestyle #notyourline #notamidair #movemate #m9 #potato #podcast #fvp #blahblahblah #notahashtag
Change rates. Increase camera angle. Get confident. Try new things. Explode. 🔥 (Repeat the Try new things part.) . . #fpv #fpvlife #dronelife #drone #quadcopter #miniquad #treelife #turtlemodel #treefalling #freefalling #potato #melbourne #winter #sundayfunday #fpvfreestyle
Throwback pic !! Making faces behind a flying 🐍 with @squishfpv 🤪 Sneaky 📷 by @kvin_fpv . . . #fpv #fpvlife #drone #dronelife #quadcopter #miniquad #freestylequad #fpvaddiction #fpvpilot #fpvfreestyle #driftevent #chasingcars #bleh #trollyourfriends #potato #fpvisfriendship #fatshark #teamblacksheep #taranis #newbeedrone #ethixltd
Droner Potatoes Gonna Potate
How do you explore a new location??