Outer Limits FPV - Episode 3 - 3D Freestyle @ Aerial Sports League Fall Classic

7,252 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Ripping up the skies upside down in this weeks special episode of The Outer Limits FPV! This is the last episode of the year while I take a medical sabbatical for some surgery to get me moving a bit more- have a happy thanksgiving and an FPV filled new year!

Special thanks to Brett @ http://atomicaviation.com/ for working with me to try and nail a working and reliable 3D quadcopter! It's been months in the making, and it feels amazing to fly a machine so smooth, what dreams were made of!

Stay tuned for more build, flight, and montage videos coming in 2016! Have a good amount of content lined up!
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/zoefpv/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/zoefpv
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zoe.stumbaugh

First Day with a DJI Mavic: "DJI Mavic Can't Touch My 3D Dancin'"
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