Just a quick unedited video unboxing this really cool new OMPHobby (Ohio Model Products) ZMO VTOL plane. Includes CADDX DJI camera and transmitter and fully programmed flight controller! This thing is built great! Designed to bind and fly with DJI goggles and remote controller, or you can also use SBUS to control it using your own RC system.
We're working on getting our Nano Goblin and Stratosurfer back in stock, but in the meantime we're going to be adding some cool stuff from OMP and other manufacturers. We hope to have other versions of this plane soon. https://www.readymaderc.com/products/details/omp-hobby-zmo-vtol-fpb-airplane-bnf
#OMPHobby #rmrc #djidigitalfpv