MultiGP Rotor Riot International Open - Part 1 Vlog

4,198 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Everything from Arriving at the Riot MultiGP International Open through to Maidening and Qualifying Thomas Spec Racer.

Firstly let me say we’ve been to so many competitions including some of the big ones like Dubai World Prix through to the Hawaii Worlds, this by far was the most amazing competition that we’ve been to ever! If we can afford to come back next year we’ll be back in a heart beat. So having said that we’d like to offer our congratulations and thanks to Chris Thomas and his amazing MultiGP Chapter Leaders and support for putting on an amazing event.

This video essentially covers our trip, arrival and maiden of Thomas’ spec racer. It’s worth mentioning that the trip took us around 25hour from the time we departed Melbourne Australia to arrival at Indianapolis Airport after which it required an 80min drive to the hotel . . . on the wrong side of the road.

Our biggest concerns included how the heck the MultiGP Guys were going to be able to run 8 tracks at the same time. The whole idea sounds like utter madness as specially when you consider most people have trouble running one comp let alone multiple at the same time. MultiGP kicked butt in this area.

The next big concern was Thomas’ spec racer. We tried getting it through MRM Reaper but they had very little interest in helping us acquire one. I put a post out on Facebook and the only people that had them in stock was FliteTest. I touched basis with Chad Kapper and he said he’d pick one up and we could get it off him at the show. I ended up purchasing 2 of them just in case Thomas broke one (Which he did in Qualifying).

What Thomas did was build the complete quad on a piece of paper with the outline of the Reaper on it and to scale. He then transferred it to an Alien and confirmed it would work. Took it off the Alien, folded it up carefully and took it to Muncie where Thomas pretty much just bolted it on the Reaper and it worked! No time for tuning or anything like that. He basically ran with his normal rates and it was good to go.

He learned the track on his Helix the day before and then qualified with the Reaper and managed 5th fastest on the track.

The only thing we couldn’t work out is why no one in the US drives even remotely close to the speed limit . . including your police who seem to like driving past speeding cars even faster than the speeding car lol

Mavic Footage supplied by
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