MultiGP Championship Time Trials - Black Bolt XBR - Team BIG WHOOP

2,313 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Thank you MultiGP for the best event of the year! Also by far the best track of the year.

Team BIG WHOOP killed it. Christian got 3rd place and Jesse took 7th. While Jesse and I both took 1st in the two guys one transmitter team event. Chris Fischer was also kicking ass the whole time.

Next race better have 10 times more MADRAMP. Also every other event organizer out there watching this, quads can fly!!!! No more 2D tracks, every single race should have 3D elements such as this.

Black Bolt XBR
Cobra 2206 2100kv
Kiss 30a
Frsky X4R + Afromini naze32 sandwhich (Tutorial Guide:
600tvl Surveilzone with 1.8mm ultrawide lens
HQprop 6x4.5
Creative Dex 40° gopro mount
Gopro 4 Silver
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