KingKong 5040 Tri Blade Prop Review

11,370 Views · Posted 8 years ago
I finally got my KingKong 5040 tri-blade props tuned to the point where I feel I can comment on their performance. Long story short, I like them a lot. They are flexible enough to not be permanently damaged in a moderate crash. They are well balanced from the factory. They are cheap. And they produce an acceptable amount of thrust. If you are an all-out racer trying to get the absolute most from your setup, this is not the prop for you. If you are a freestyle or fun flyer trying to balance performance, tunability, and price, I think this is a fantastic choice.

As much as I like these props, they are not as durable as the two-blade version that I have flown forever. The hub on these props is a little thinner, and they are more likely to lose a blade entirely, or even for the hub to crack. My search for the holy grail of props continues.

You can buy these props here:

KingKong has released a bunch of other multi-blade props in various shapes and pitches, so check them all out at this rcgroups thread here:
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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