63,417 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Disclaimer!!! The setup Im running is in no way a good all round setup. Its not efficient, my batteries come down hot and I have a 1:30 flight time. But these are sacrifices I'm making to have the fastest possible setup. So please don't think Im trying to sell you on this setup. It works for me, my flying style and thats all that courts. I do understand if I used a less aggressive prop and a lower KV motor it would make more sense for battery life and just in general. But like my flying I chose to break away from the pack. Also... I can't believe how much drama a 3sec clip caused on a couple of the FB groups. Don't ask for innovation then crucify someone when they have the guts to try something different. Its disappointing seeing how threatened people get.

But on a positive note, these may have been some of the most exciting flights I ever had. The motor in my opinion are something special. The science and tech guys can tell me my setup doesn't work until they are blue in the face. But I don't care what static thrust test tell me. I care how they fly in real world, and these motors are unreal. Notice how much I continue to climb after I invert, its insane, I also find I can come out of being inverted way later knowing I have instant thrust. But please, don't let the motors take away from the flying. Enjoy.

See recent videos for new setup.
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