Did some flying Xmas and boxing day, this will be my last edit of 2015. Only been flying minis for 10 months but it has changed the whole way I view the world. It ties in so many of my interests into one. I wish all my viewer, followers and supporters a year of fun and progressive flying. Thanks to all the people who sacrificed time and time away from family and friends to help make this hobbies tech better (Boris B, Dominic Clifton, David Klein, Josh Haywood). Thanks again to my supporters Liftrc and Rotorgeeks, lets win some events in the new year:) And lastly thank you to my core group of flying buddies Eric, Chris, Jay and Josh. I always have fun flying with you guys, even if Im getting stuck in trees (thank you again Chris) or throwing my quad across the field. Very grateful for everyone who supports me and looking forward to 2016.
Thanks everyone
Ps my first video of the new year may be a tutorial so stay tuned.