Blade to Blade Spec racing is so much fun, but there are a few key factors that come to play if you want super close racing. Firstly if the quads are equal that still won't make for close racing. The better pilot will always be faster even with the same gear.
So you're wondering what have we done here? Firstly both quads are in fact identical in every single way. Both are BMS Racing JS-1 Racing Frames however the are both running 6S motors but in actual fact racing on very old 4S Batteries. The logic here is the quads are now slow enough where the damage in crashes is minimal. The next thing we've done is put Thomas' quad on a throttle cap. This will take some experimentation but you want the fastest pilot capped so as to keep the racing close.
What you'll notice is my quad (BMSPaul) is way faster that's because it's on 4S running 100% throttle, where as Thomas' (BMSThomas) quad is on 4S running 60% throttle. So this means Thomas needs to be super smooth and hold tight lines where as Paul's quad can afford to make mistakes and still catch Thomas.
Anyway it was a super fun day of racing and still can't believe this is the way the final race ended 😂