6 items with #bmsjs1

Foxeer FPV Drone Final Betaflight Settings
Uncut Velocidrone Time Attack - Fife FPV Inflatables 2
FPV - MMRC Summer Season Round 2 - DVR
FPV - MMRC Summer Season Round 1 - DVR
Testing out the Foxeer Predator V4 #squishisbetterthenstretch 😜 #bmsweb #racing #drone #droneracing #tbs #teamblacksheep #impulserc @tmotorfpv @hqpropzhong @foxeer.tech @tattulipos @impulserc_fpv @bmsthomas_ @missionfoodsanz #missionfoods #js-1 #BMSJS1 #bmsraptorseries
Sundays MMRC Race - After the finals Thomas did a pack with HD. He designed this track and decided to make round 4 a Theme Track. This track was so much fun to fly, a total blast! May even do a whole video on the track. Track was based around Tokyo Loop Racing, which I think was some sort of street racing they did years ago. Also worth mentioning it was the first race with his Production BMS Racing Gold Line Raptor motors 2000kv. He flew them on Tattu 1300 6S V3.0 Chemistry #squishisbetterthenstretch 😜 #bmsweb #racing #drone #droneracing #tbs #teamblacksheep #impulserc @tmotorfpv @hqpropzhong @foxeer.tech @tattulipos @impulserc_fpv @bmsthomas_ @missionfoodsanz #missionfoods @TokyoLoopRacer #BMSJS1