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Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. - Bruce Lee
The future is disruptive! Now this is what I consider a true next generation 3D flying setup with hardware designed for it from the ground up. Ill be flying and tuning my new favorite setup at 1pm, hit me up if ya wanna fly... may try to check out the local track. Been a recluse working on this project and have not wanted to fly my other setups because IQ magic is here! It's all I've been able to think about for almost a year now, a frame designed for all up freestyle performance based around the IQ Motion Control Modules. With a CG based on the prop line due to increased motor/module height, and thicker 6mm arms to endure the few extra grams having the motor and ESC on the end of the arm. A lot of love has been put into this not just by myself but by @stingrayfpv on the CAD collab and @cnc zac on cutting this dragonplate and aluminum version of the frame. Rocking that 3D GemFan Master Prop shown here in salmon pink! Along with a TBS Unify Pro HV, Crossfire Nano, Foxeer Predator Micro, HobbyWing G2 FC, running 4k/4k, dshot 600. Also pictured is my Nano S2, it's a 3D heli trainer I've been flying this last week line of sight. (Ton of fun!) It's interesting to see where 3D came from and where it is going. I'm kinda god-smacked really to hold this setup after years of struggling with lack luster hardware... now I have propellers, motor/esc, frame, all designed for one purpose... to break minds and defy physics. Thank you IQ Motion Control for letting me test these modules. I've been able to help them find a good deal of bugs, many/all the serious ones fixed before release :D My work here is done, you're welcome universe- a legit flying cyborg unicorn is born. #pride #drones #next #level #fpv #freestyle #3D #helicopter #horizon #hobby #HobbyWing #foxeer #iqmotioncontrol #dragonplate #aluminum #sensored #motors #gemfan #propellers #nanos2 #diy #electronics #heavy #metal #unicorn
Trifecta of monitors :D Was able to fix and revive one monitor and found a great deal on another trying to replace the one that broke, going from 1, to 3 monitors... I'm realizing that this RV is slowly becoming a mobile operations center from GTA5. My life has turned into a cyberpunk fantasy, and wouldn't have it any other way. I've been using the 3D printer a bit more, it's weird being off the grid and being able to print and make almost anything. I've finally gotten down and dirty with Fusion 360, modeling for the first time in years. All that is missing is a small CNC machine... soon. I would not think this sort of setup would be possible a year ago. Am feeling blessed. And relieved. Almost all of what I feel I've 'lost' by not having a traditional housing situation has been alleviated. Waking up to the sun charging my grid, to going to bed watching funny cat videos. It's not so bad :D and feels like it made all the hassle over the last 6 months worth it. Next step, service the battery bank and find help putting up the replacement solar panel. #cyberpunk #2020 #fpv #drone #matrix #monitors #setup #hesssystems #computers #futurisim #diy #solar #powered #RV #life #repair
Tested some 3D props that washed up on shore today... These look to be prototypes made years ago, why did they not get made? Who designed them? Where did they come from and why are they Mountain Dew green? We may never know. #drone #mysteries
Sometimes you need to see the world through a Unicorn. I'm getting absolutely hyped for this project now that it's getting close to finished. My original two unicorns have survived a ton of abuse, fully rebuilt and cleaned them up this week. Feels weird to be building a third... the gravity of the situation that I'll have a small fleet of them going excites me! After thinking about it for so long its almost ready to go. Debating siliently auctioning off one of my v3 original fully built and tuned prototypes to recoup and refuel development. Costs have added up haha, and it'd be nice to free up capital for the project(trying to make it self sustaining) #drone #fpv #unicorns #iseeyou #tech #lazysaturday
Friday night date night building a special hybrid Aluminum Dragonplate Unicorn :D With fresh IQ Motion Control Modules ready to break physics and some minds. I'm thoroughly excited for this setup, more so than anything I've had my hands on before! This is the machine I've been dreaming about. This is the machine that I will push my skills to a new level with. This is years in the making. Looking forward to buttoning it up and giving it a proper shakedown run. Thank you to CNC Zac for cutting the frame. Huge thanks to @stingrayfpv for collaborating on the design! And huge thanks to @hesssystemsinc for sponsoring the first batch of standard all carbon frames, with 6 of them going out to some special pilots for testing, am eager to get the next revision finished and into production proper! You haven't seen anything yet :D looking forward to finishing this project to free myself up more for others. #revolutionary #technology #much #excite #diy #flying #robot #vr #drone #fpv #freestyle #3D #FixedPitch #unicorn
Today was a great day. Met some new friends, flew some new spots, and found a gorgeous boondocking spot. I'm literally parked on a beach next to the water- plus when I parked two locals with Mavic's next to me went up, ended up ripping a pack in front of them before saying anything... they stopped flying to watch ha. And now one is researching all things @fatsharkrc On top of that meeting up with the @newbeedrone crew to talk all things FPV.. and met up with @megalodon_77 while fetching a quad from a tree, was great to finally meet you! And ya know what? Not a single person told me to stop flying or got upset. I love this place. Thank you all for the warm welcome! #fpv #drone #custom #robot #flying #digital #nomad #unicorn #unicult #FirstPersonView
Feeling a bit like a tech badass. Roadside repairs on the solar generator completely successful. $8 repair with stuff from an auto parts store... for what I had thought initially would require ordering parts and or buying a new solar charge controller. Woke up to better power generation than I've had since starting this whole adventure. And have been monitoring things as the day goes on. Everything is cool to the touch under full load. The wire melted wire had gotten warm since it was installed. A bad connection got worse, and lead to the failure. Now back to finding a spot in/around San Deigo... reading up on local laws, and my rig may not be street legal to park due to length. Something I had no idea about ha. I'm only a few hours away! #diy #solar #generator #digital #nomad #life #on #wheels #sandeigo #iron #woman #fpv #multimeter
Better than new!? Solar Generator ready for a test run tomorrow. All installed, routed and cleaned up a bit. Upgraded the hatch of the solar charger for easier access, added more stress relief to the wires, and added an extra bolt/mount to keep the box from moving around. For those wondering about my setup. 6x Deep Cycle 175 Cranking Amp Marine Batteries. This is my primary bank, stores energy for the night. 6x 175watt Flexible Class A Solar Panels, they absorb energy from the solar systems fusion reactor. I get about 600watts peak. 1x PowMr 60amp MPPT Solar Charge Controller. This regulates the 42v solar array down to 12v to charge batteries. 1x TechOn 3000w Pure Sine Wave Inverter for 110 power fron 12v batteries 1x Automatic Power Transfer Switch - automatically hands off power from inverter to generator 110. 1x Bayite Digital Current Monitor - Battery bank monitor 1x Anjoshi 300amp Circut Breaker - from batteries to inverter Just works (tm) few things I'd do differently, and upgrade further(more fuses, circut breakers, and cut off switches for safety) I had zero idea about solar 6 months ago. It's fun, and my favorite way of generating power :D Whole process kicked my ass, and abdominal wall... but it's done. I wont get much sleep tonight from the pain flair up, but least my mind can rest easier. #solar #generator #RV #diy #electronics #battery #bank.
Welp, thats a first. Took apart and rebuilt my solar charge controller after a meltdown. Ended up hammer crimping terminal connectors onto the ends of the cables, connecting via a bolt/nut for a physical connection that IMHO is better than the one it came with?! Likewise I made a silicone edge relief grommet, and wrapped both ends of the connection in high temp silicone tape. Fairly sure the connection came loose/was breaking loose enough to cause this failure in the first place. Going to try and better secure the controller to the RV so it'll hopefully fare better over time. The stock mounts that came with it allowed it to jiggle around a bit. It helps that the RV is essentially a workshop, and that I have multiple sources of power(engine, generator, solar). Hoping to get this controller installed tonight/the morning after some rest physically. Was painful and kicked my butt getting this out of the power compartment. #solar #electronics #diy #repair #power #RV #life #digitalnomad #fix #it
Feeling cute- might fly 3D with 2D props later, idk.
Getting out and celebraring Easter with Proximity FPV and enjoying Santa Cruz for a moment while flying old spots just for fun. Boondocked stealth RV setup that was an idea last year is in full effect now. When I left this area the RV was barely functioning and not boondockable. Found a quite spot next to the beach :D Feels weird to be back in my old neck of the woods, thanks Justin for pulling me out to go fly. I needed to get out and have a chill day. My leg is getting a bit better, still weak sauce. I'm keeping my head down and trying to decompress while I wait to hear back from Stanford. I'm flustered by my health. Hoping ill be kickin' butt in a couple weeks after the abaltions kick in, and hopefully get a solid 6 months to a year of relief. Last few days have kicked my butt to say the least. Hoping for better days ahead! #rv #boondocking #drone #pilots #fpv #adventure #easter