Welcome back to Prop Noise the weekly news show for all things drones. Bit of a sporadic news this week from some personal projects and stuff happening in the industry at large.
First off, we cover the IQ Motion Control Speed Modules in a video I released this week showing off their capability and talking a bit about why they are made of magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1fgcE73-64&t=7s
Watch the latest in giant racing drones as I show Rotor Riot what's up with X Class as we take to the skies for some heart pounding freestyle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o3q6Bhco14
Have been hard at work reformatting and preparing to produce more drone related content going forward, including creating new ways to be able to do that over the last couple months.... and spreading my wings to the community for funding and support.
Check out early premieres on AirVuz.com/user/ZoeFPV ad free! They help sponsor me & my projects all while helping create one of the best communities for pilots and drone content. Support the ones that support the community! #unitedwedrone