Xhover 2206's + HQ classics

3,849 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Ever been really happy with the way your rig feels? Giggity.

I like these motors quite a bit. Super smooth, not as gutty at the bottom as some of their N52 counterparts, but the top end is amazing and MAN, so smooth and efficient. No cogging, they feel like a grown-up version of lumi 2206's.

XHOVER r5x https://goo.gl/p4TznC
KISSfc (27g) http://bit.ly/2doLVa3
KISS 24re (1.03) http://bit.ly/2epyPdC
XHOVER 2206 2360 https://goo.gl/L7ru2x
HQ 5x4x3 classics
QuadRevo Power OSD Pro http://bit.ly/2doOyZw
Thunderpower Adrenaline 1300 https://goo.gl/ymHJdv
X4R sbus http://bit.ly/2epyqrI
Taranis (Butter Module™ enabled) https://goo.gl/a719j4
Fatshark Dom v2
La Forge v2 rx
GoPro hero4 black @ 20º

Check me out on insta: https://www.instagram.com/gapit_fpv/

Big THANKS to these guys:

-- Xhover -- http://xhover.com/
fpvheadquarters.com https://www.fpvheadquarters.com/
Thunderpower http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/
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