X-Racer F303 F3 Acro/Race Flight Controller - FPV Model

14,442 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Quick Overview on the newly designed X-Racer F3 Flight Controller from FPVModel. Some of the key features of this board are:
- Its an F3 board at a incredibly competitive price
- Easy Pin Style Layout like the Naze32
- Dedicated SBus Port
- Black Box Flash Chip Built in

It’s worth noting this FC was designed by FPVModel with the intention of designing a dedicated Race/Acro board, which they’ve done a fantastic job of. Keep in mind this is the Rev 1 X-Racer and I only see this board improving over time. One of the features you’ll hear most people complaining about is the fact that it’s missing Vbat. FPVModel have confirmed that the next version of this FC will have Vbat.

We received 2 of these board, one of which is now in Thomas’ ZMR180 Racer. We’ve also since purchased an additional 4 more of these boards and plan on upgrading some of our other quads to Sbus. So in the coming weeks we’ll have way more data and flight time on this board.

In any case Hope you found this video useful.

Product Link
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Joshua Bardwell's video on this F3 Board
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Rotceh Video on this F3 Board
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