Wish I had better news, broken down.

991 Views · Posted 2 years ago
Best way to donate is Paypal.me/ZoeFPV, Patreon & GoFundMe add more fees, and are harder to access funds wise. Now that I know what is needed, I'm looking to raise $5000 more to cover the fix needed to get the RV back on the road, the breakdown of that is posted on Discord & Patreon for what that will be used for.

It's been a... rough few months. The RV broke down while trying to head out of San Diego to find a cheaper spot to stay/be after being sick for a solid month. With funds largely depleted due to the sad fact I at the time had no offers to park the RV and was stuck, sick, with a U-Haul full of stuff to unpack into the RV.. most of the previous funds sadly went to getting the RV road legal, Uhaul fee, and RV park stay as I transitioned back into it.

I've been waiting 2-3? months now to get the RV into a mechanic, with things booked out and many not wanting to even work on RV's... Thankfully I was able to stay at a local fpv pilots home, and plug into power while the RV was broken down and while my Mother & I waited for our appointment at the repair shop, where I'm currently located.

They've diagnosed the RV's issues, and I finally have a quote/know what it'll cost to repair. Sadly it's a lot more than I had hoped, but less than the cost of a new engine. The shop I"ve been at the past week and a half has been nice, and they knocked a bit off the price/cost to get this far into the repair(finding the issues) and sadly the cost of everything where I'm at is... a problem(and I wish I was just about anywhere but here because of that, and... been trying for months to get out of here)

I don't like asking for more funds, and have waited till I knew what exactly the RV needed to even ask. My goal is to get this thing fixed, and find a spot I can live for a while with the RV semi-long term(for a few months/year?) to try and re-establish myself. Between not knowing about having power, bad internet, and my health- it's been hard to hold down any sort of steady work... and the process to get back onto disability has been rough.

As I can i'll be setting aside some drones to auction off in case this doesn't hit it's goal/raise more funds to just... live, and get to where I'm going next... Will try to post here, and on youtube when/how those will be auctioned off. and will try to post a more in-depth update to here, and Patreon where I will try to go into more detail about what's all been going on.

Chat with me @ http://discord.gg/nRn9gU3
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