Why FPV is the Greatest Community In the World

14,590 Views · Posted 7 years ago
I saw this video the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7lVabTUeF0& and it inspired me to attempt to make something similar. Serendipitously, that same day, I was interviewed by MultiGP and I filmed myself during the interview, and I liked how this phrasing came out, so I wanted to make a video alongside it to express how I feel about how amazing the FPV Community truly is. Get out. Go fly. Have fun. Love you guys.

Check out Nick Rice for the music: https://soundcloud.com/nickrice

Thanks to each of my sponsors:
Atmospheric Adventures: http://atmosphericadventures.com/
T-Motor: http://www.tmotor.com/
RunCam: http://www.runcam.com/
FPV-Direct: https://www.fpv-direct.com/
Futaba: http://www.futabarc.com/

Like The FPV Livestream on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1736829739865468&fref=ts

Check out my other videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/NURKFPV

Catch the next episode of: http://thefpvlivestream.com/

Chat with us on FPV Chat: http://fpv-chat.com

Follow me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/nurkfpv/

Tweet at me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulnurkkala
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Nurk FPV

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