Whelcome to TINY WHOOP - Team BIG WHOOP - The Last Starfighter - Blade Inductrix FPV

81,580 Views · Posted 8 years ago

I sell these aircraft as well as kits and parts at www.tinywhoop.com ! Check out the build video on this channel to make your own.
This was the very first Tiny Whoop flick I realeased on this channel! since then there have been some huge hits, most of all the 2016 Micro Racing World Championships! (https://youtu.be/KMR0BeXYZBE), but people also LOVE the first Tiny Whoop Facepunch video (https://youtu.be/Rrho6wS8th8?list=PLBJKZpGc_stbXxOoamVWya0-ah_boo1sK).

Check out our awesome community with over 3500 people working together for excellence in Tiny Whoop flight!

and for some even earlier Tiny Whoop action, have a glance at my personal channel at https://www.youtube.com/c/jessepfpv

Thanks for watching and don't be a stranger!!!
Jesse Perkins
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