What is FPV?

105,242 Views · Posted 8 years ago
THIS... is FPV. Share with your friends to get them excited about this amazing hobby!
Welcome to Rotor Riot.
Rotor Riot is a weekly YouTube show featuring some of the worlds most interesting and talented FPV multirotor pilots. Imagine Top Gear focused on high performance drones. Our Mission is growing the hobby and FPV Freestyle by connecting and inspiring people through high-end multirotor technology and great times with friends!

Visit our store HERE: http://bit.ly/2hc9cD2

-Pilots / Hosts-
Tommy Tibajia [UmmaGawd] https://www.youtube.com/user/ummagawd
Steele Davis [Mr Steele] https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSteeledavis
Chad Nowak [FinalGlideAUS] https://www.youtube.com/user/FinalGlideAus
Kevin Dougherty [StingersSwarm] https://www.youtube.com/user/stingersswarm
Carlos Puertolas [Charpu]


-Production Team-
Chad Kapper - Executive Producer
Christian Kapper - Editor

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By: Senbei
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