39,880 Views · Posted 5 years ago
COMMENT!, Take the Survey, Email Senators, Talk to schools, SPREAD THE WORD ask family members to comment.

Thank you Flite Test
Show up for the FAA protest in Hancock Park on February 29 (leap day!): http://www.helpsaveourhobby.com/

Check out the new Website: FTCA.flitetest.com
Please take our Survey: https://form.jotform.com/200204353265039

Here is where you submit your comment to the FAA: http://bit.ly/2RnY8Ty
Comment Recomendations
1. Do not copy and paste from somewhere else.
2. Make it personal but not emotional. Let them know how you enjoy recreational flying and how the proposed rules impact your life and the people around you.
3. What type of pilot are you? What aircraft do you fly? be specific - describe it what you fly and how you fly it.
5. Where do you fly? Is it at a fixed flying site? How far are you from a model field? Either give the location or just give a general description of what it is like and why you fly there. This will help give the FAA context as to how and where recreational flying is taking place.
6. Propose that people should have alternatives to comply with remote ID.
1. Broadcast Solution - Basically equip aircraft with an inexpensive Bluetooth or wifi module that would broadcast out an identification number and your identity would remain private.
2. App-Based Solution - An app where Pilots could publically identify where they are operating their recreational models.
3. Network ID Solution - This is where your aircraft will need to be equipped with a telecom chip that will broadcast all flight data globally for each flight.

Videos with more info on the subject matter
- Michael Rollins, Bardwell, Kabob, RCmodelreviews -
- Flite test How to comment - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1wqEKLhEqE
Posted By

Mr Steele

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