Wacol - Chasing 'roos 2 - brushless gimbal FPV / INXS - Three Sisters

662 Views · Posted 11 years ago
A test run of the brushless gimbal on my TBS Discovery.

I'm running an Alexmos board with rc timer motors and a custom 3D printed Gopro3 housing.

Youtube seems to have screwed up the conversion from 60FPS (view it in full screen and it's smoother, go figure), and I don't have the board dialed in 100% yet, but it's still pretty smooth.

These are all wild kangaroos, living 25 mins from the CBD of a major Australian city. I guess some of the legends are true after all ;). They really don't seem to care much about the quadcopters; a bit of ear flapping and hopping is the most you'll get.

Watch for the kanga-threesome and dominance battle at 1:15 and the sweet overhead shot at 2:00. Must practice more of those (the latter not the former).

TBS Discovery with DJI Naza
Tiger 1100kv motors
Gopro Hero 3 Black
Fatshark Dominators
Immersion RC 600mw 5.8ghz TX
Cloverleaf TX, Crosshair RX antenna (brilliant)
Spektrum DX8 with AR8000 receiver
Turnigy nano-tech 3300mah 4S batteries
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