
709 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys, so went out for an afternoon of flying with the Dallas dronestars and decided to take a break from racing and do a little freestyle. I had a lot of fun making this quick little edit:) I hope you enjoy.

Thanks to my amazing sponsors!!!
-Xhover https://xhover.com
-Quaddiction http://www.quaddiction.club
-Immersion Rc https://www.immersionrc.com
-Raceflight http://raceflight.com
-ThunderPowerRc http://www.thunderpowerrc.com
-Runcam https://www.runcam.com
-HQ Props http://www.hqprop.com

Drone Setup
-Xhover Stingy https://xhover.com/collections/featured-products/products/xhover-stingy-pre-order
-Hypetrain Motors http://store.rotorriot.com/hypetrain-freestyle-2306-2450kv-motor/
-Raceflight Revolt V3 FC https://shop.raceflight.com/product/r...
-Raceflight Bolt 4in1 Esc V2 https://shop.raceflight.com/product/r...
-Runcam Mini Swift 2.5 lens https://xhover.com/collections/fpv/pr...
-Unify Pro Race Vtx https://xhover.com/collections/vtxs/p...
-Emax Pagoda Antennas https://xhover.com/collections/fpv/pr...
-Crossfire Micro RX v2 https://www.amazon.com/Team-BlackShee...
-Thunderpower 1600mah 95c 4s Packs http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/FPV-BAT...
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