Unbreakable Cinewhoop? Foxeer Foxwhoop 25

1,540 Views Β· Posted 2 years ago
β–Ί Foxeer Foxwhoop 25: https://bit.ly/FoxWhoop-BG
- Directly From Foxeer: https://www.foxeer.com/foxeer-foxwhoop-25-unbreakable-drone-g-438?u=2086
- AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DmRT5mP
β–Ί Battery: https://bit.ly/TATTU-750mah-4S || https://bit.ly/750mah4s-BetaFPV || https://bit.ly/GNB-750mAh-4s-AE
β–Ί FoxWhoop Frame: https://bit.ly/FoxWhoopFrame-BG || https://www.foxeer.com/foxeer-foxwhoop-25-unbreakable-frame-vista-hdzero-analog-g-428?u=2086
- AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DD80IvZ
β–Ί Insta360 Go 2: https://bit.ly/Insta360GO2-BG || https://www.insta360.com/sal/go_2?insrc=INRYU3T

πŸ’° BG Coupon codes: BGRCParts8 (FPV Products) || BGRCDrones6 (RC Drones) || BGRCNew11 (11% Off for new customers only)

β–Ί My FPV Corner On Banggood: https://bit.ly/GalKremerBG
πŸ’΅ Google Spreadsheet with updating coupons: http://bit.ly/Banggood-Coupons-List
β–Ί Please Consider Supporting Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GalKremer

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🐝 BetaFlight dump settings: http://txt.do/ttt2i

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β•‘ β–Ί Goggles - FatShark HDO2 - http://bit.ly/HDO-2
β•‘ β–Ί RX Module - http://bit.ly/rapidFIRE
β•‘ β–Ί Radio Controller - Radiomaster TX16S: http://bit.ly/TX16S-MAX
β•‘ β–Ί Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro: http://bit.ly/D6-Duo
β•‘ β–Ί Lipo Batteries: http://bit.ly/CNHL-BG

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00:00 Overview & Specs
03:33 BetaFlight Setup
04:11 Conclusions
06:18 Noise Test
07:11 Flight Footage

#Foxeer #FoxWhoop #Cinewhoop
Posted By

Gal Kremer

1273     130    

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