Unboxing a Unicorn - shipping party!

775 Views · Posted 5 years ago
Let's unbox a unicorn and put together an airframe to prove once and for all that unicorns are real, and that they can fly!

Have been hard at work reformatting and preparing to produce more drone related content going forward, including creating new ways to be able to do that over the last couple months.... and spreading my wings to the community for funding and support.

Join the conversation and let's digitally hangout together!
Chill and chat with me @ http://discord.gg/nRn9gU3
Follow my kwad pron on http://Instagram.com/zoefpv
Find me on Facebook http://facebook.com/zoe.stumbaugh
Logo design by Miss Creature: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPoKbYv7dOLNN2_EMO-4hhg
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