Tiny Whoop LED Installation

23,988 Views · Posted 8 years ago
Hey Pals!
I am so stoked to see how our excellent community tricks-out their Tiny Whoops with LEDs!!! I think these things are going to make races much more interesting to spectators. The lights are very bright and visable! All colors available on www.tinywhoop.com, along side aircraft and parts!

Here's the direct link- https://www.tinywhoop.com/products/tiny-whoop-leds

Now the Warning -

Replacing electronic components on the board is advanced customization. One or two of the members of our fine community that try this may bridge important components with solder and possibly harm the flight controller or receiver. If you decide to dive in to your board and change LEDs you do so at your own risk! But i'm happy to help anyone.
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