The White Fortress

138 Views · Posted 7 years ago
The most representative Vauban bastion fortification in Transylvania (the French architect who designed the star-shaped military fortifications in the 17th century), it was built between 1715 and 1738 that is when the Habsburgs were gaining possession of Transylvania. It quickly became the main empire’s defence fortification in Transylvania playing an important role in the fullest consolidation of Habsburg rule in the area.


GepRc VX5
KissFC V2
T-motor f40pro 2400kv
Taranis w/Crossfire Micro TX
Unify Pro (@800 mw)
Cyclone v2
Acehe 1300 75c, Tattu 1300 75c & Tattu 1550 95c
Gopro Session 5
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