Big shout outs to Flyduino, GemFan, BeeRotor, and Bullit Drones for taking the imitative on 3D and putting their support behind me to keep pushing the limits of possibility on these machines! My inner mad-scientist says THANK YOU :D And massive thanks to AirVuz for putting their backing behind me and my content, am honored to fly with Team AirVuz in Hawaii October 16th through 26th! Look out for that content :)
I can now say with confidence that 3D for 5inch mini quads is finally HERE! The difference in skill and craft ability for 3D between now and when I started is incredibly drastic, and with these new props my 2010's arn't underpropped and can take full advantage of the torque out of the Zoe 3D FPV 2010's from BeeRotor.