The Go-To

165 Views · Posted 6 years ago
After having crashed and ruined my initial setup, I spent the last couple of weeks rebuilding and getting used to this new frame. I've decided to try and get into the habit of standing while I fly, and this time I put some tunes on before I took off to get a good flow(I don't normally fly with music, but it was a nice change). I found myself having a hard time choosing the right music and the right footage and the best way to edit... I think I'm a fan of raw flights and clean lines from start to finish. But true style is forever changing!
Here's to getting better every day! Happy flying!
ALSO, shout out to my dude @FortyFPV for hookin' me up with some goodies and keepin' a brother in the air.

Frame: Nova
Flight Controller: Betaflight F4
Motors: Lumenier Skitzo Edition 2204 2500kv
ESC's: Makerfire BLHELI 32bit
Props: DALProp Cyclone 5x4.5x3
FPV cam: Runcam Eagle 2 Pro
Receiver: Frsky XM+
Action cam: GoPro Session5

Radio: Taranis Q-X7
Goggles: SJ-RG01 FPV Goggles

I do not own the rights to this music!
Track: "Lookin' Down the Barrel of a Gun" - Beastie Boys
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