Testing Testing.. Check.. 1, 2

9,077 Views · Posted 9 years ago
I appologize in advance for the Oscillations. I tuned for a 35C 1300 and was running a 70C 1800.. WAY MORE POWER..
My goal was to rip the props off. I failed..

Also the GoPro 3 Black is not my favorite...

Trying some different Gopro Mounting orientations. Backwards/sideways/a little sideways :)
BlackOut Mini H 5"
Naze32 acro w/ Cleanflight/oneshot
Pid_controller = 1


Roll- 3.9, .035, 18
Pitch - 7.1, .038, 20
Yaw - 11.4, 46, 3
RC rate 1.18
RC Expo .69
Roll rate - .64
Yaw Rate - .69

Cobra 2204 2300kv/10 Degree G10 Angled Mounts. (hoverthings)
HQ 5040 (Green Glass Blend)
ImmersionRC 600mW 5.8GHz
Pzo420 2.8mm
Team Black Sheep Core PNP50
4S 1800mAh Thunderpower 70C Magna Series
GoPro 3 Black - Sucks.....

AUW = 656g
Posted By

Mr Steele

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