Taken out by Blackout Spider Hex

404 Views · Posted 11 years ago
Quad vs Hex. Hex wins. ^_^

Broken props were the only damage.

Mini quad is a custom made frame (designed by a mate, this is his site: http://untestedprototype.com)

The Blackout Hex is awesome. I want one! http://www.minihquad.com

Openpilot CC3D
Hobbyking 12A Simonk ESCs
Tiger MN1806 "Blackout 3S" 2300kv Motors
Turnigy nano-tech 1500mah 3S batteries
Mobius keychain camera
Fatshark Dominators
Immersion RC 5.8ghz TX
Cloverleaf and Crosshair antennas
Securitycamera2000 FPV cameras
Spektrum DX8
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