Spedix Rex / Gofly Scorpion 80mm Power Whoop Review

756 Views · Posted 6 years ago
► Spedix Rex 80mm: http://bit.ly/GoflyScorpion || http://bit.ly/SpedixRex80mm
► FSD Nano RX: http://bit.ly/FSD-Nano-Frsky-RX
► GNB 2s 450mah Battery: http://bit.ly/GNB-450mah2s
► Spare Propellers: http://bit.ly/Gemfan1636
► BF Dump File: http://txt.do/155n7

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║ ►Radio - Taranis X9D: http://bit.ly/Frsky-X9D
║ ►Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro: http://bit.ly/D6-Duo
║ ►Lipo Batteries: http://bit.ly/CNHL-BG

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Spedix Rex 80mm Micro Brushless FPV Drone PNP

Kit Contents

1x Rex 80 FPV Quad
2x Battery Plate (one of each style)
1x Battery Strap
2x double sided foam tape

Gofly Scorpion 80 80mm Micro Brushless 2S Whoop FPV Racing Drone F405 FC Caddx Turbo Eos2 Cam 25/100mW 40CH VTX

Brand name: Gofly
Item name: Scorpion 80 80mm FPV Racing Drone 2S
Wheelbase: 80mm
Size: 103mm*113mm*41mm
Propeller diameter: Gemfan1636 40mm 4blade
Flight Controller: F4(F405) OSD/Smart Audio ready
ESC: 12A 4IN1 Blheli_S (2-4 Cell)
Camera: Caddx Turbo Eos2
VTX: 25/100mW 40CH w/SmartAudio
Motor: 1103 11000KV brushless motor/1.5mm shaft
Weight: 41g (without battery and RX)

Package Included:
1 x Scorpion 80 80mm FPV Racing Drone 2S
1 x 2S 300mAh battery
1 x battery mount
1 x battery strap

Music Used:

Track: clearmyhead_v6.mp4
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/H81DzDMdCLI
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/ClearMyHeadYO

Song: Kirara Magic & Yirokos - Chrono
Link: https://youtu.be/tb1Ymeaj6HQ
Music promoted by FreeMusicWave.

#SpedixRex #GoflyScorpion #PowerWhoop
Posted By

Gal Kremer

1273     130    

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