Spectacular Australian East Coast Quadcopter Footage / Fourplay - The Sweetest Perfection - 60fps

3,543 Views · Posted 11 years ago
Flights from a road trip along the East coast of Australia (full blog here: http://nerdseyeview.blogspot.com.au/2014/03/brisbane-to-bodalla-and-back-again.html), filmed with my big quadcopter.

It was flying like a pig at the time. Because of this and the fact that most of these flight locations fall into the "crashing is extremely fatal" category, my flying was fairly conservative.

The gimbal worked well though and the scenery was spectacular. All these clips were filmed in atti mode with the gimbal on - see my other clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7N1igZImEs) for manual/rate mode flying with the gimbal in follow mode.

Locations are:
Wollombi Falls
Dangars Falls (not to be confused with Dangar Falls)
"Currawong", my friends' property at Waukivory
Honeymoon Bay, Beecroft Peninsula, Jervis bay
Point Perpendicular, Beecroft Peninsula, Jervis bay
Belmore Falls
Woodhill, just outside of Berry (where my Great Aunt used to live)
Hat Head National Park

The music is by Aussie band Fourplay and is a cover of The Sweetest Perfection by Depeche Mode. In my opinion it craps all over the original.


Gear list:
TBS Discovery with DJI Naza
Tiger MT2208-18 1100kv motors
Rctimer 8045 cf props
Hobbyking F30A ESCs with Simonk
Turnigy nano-tech 3300mah and 4000mah 4S batteries
Gopro Hero 3 Black
Video switcher
Custom 3D printed brushless gimbal with RCTimer motors and Alexmos control board
Fatshark Dominators
Immersion RC 5.8ghz TX
Cloverleaf and patch antennas
Securitycamera2000 FPV camera
Spektrum DX8
Flytrex data logger (didn't work for any of these flights as the bloody card was loose)
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