Race Drone Timing System - VTX Easy Race Lap Timer AirBirds

3,030 Views · Posted 8 years ago
This is the latest version of the FPV Easy Race Lap Timer from AirBirds.

One of the questions we’ve been getting is what if we lose Bluetooth Connection with the device. Keep in mind with the iPhone 6 we’re getting around 14m range, so even though this doesn’t effect us, depending on what device you use, range may be an issue. Also if you’re at a race meet where you don’t have control of the track design you may not be able to get close enough to the device to get live lap times.

The big benefit with the Easy Lap Timer is the fact that it records the data/Lap times on board the unit. So long as you have power to the unit, your times are safe.

Big thanks to AirBirds for providing us this unit to try and provide feedback. Also a shout out to Desert Aircraft who loaned us their own personal unit to try when there were none in the country at the time.

Airframes used in this video
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ImpulseRC Helix ZX5
ImpulseRC FC
T-Motor F-40 II 2400kv
HQ 5x4x3 Rotor Riot Edition
VTx ImpulseRC
TBS Triumph
Aikon 30amp ESCs (BLHeli_S)
Turnigy Graphene 4S Packs
HS1177 Camera - 2.1mm Lens
45 Degree Camera Tilt
BetaFligt 3.0
GoPro Session 5

DJI Mavic Pro

Unit Basics
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One black box that contains all the hardware. It needs to be powered by some sort of USB. I used my power bank. It connects to either your iPad, iPhone, Android Device or computer.

It's looking at the RSSI reading from your Video Transmitter to perform the lap timing.

Will do more tests soon

Product Available from
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Available in Australia through:
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