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In this series, I take you through the entire process of PID tuning a quadcopter, from the very first maiden to the final tune. In order to make the process accessible to more people, all tuning is done using FPV video only. No Blackbox analysis is used in this process at all, although we will look at the Blackbox logs that result, just for perspective, after the tune is finished.
In part 1 of the series, I perform the initial maiden flight and get the general feel of the copter. The copter has obvious low I gain. It shows no signs of excess P gain. As a result, I raise both these values. In the second flight, P term oscillation starts to appear, indicating that P gain may be a bit high, or perhaps just right. I gain is still not quite high enough on roll in the 2nd flight, but pitch is close to correct.
Equipment list:
Frame: Shendrones Mixuko (From -- thanks, Atees!)
Motors: RCX 2205/2633kv
Props: KingKong 5040
ESCs: Littlebee 20A
Flight Controller: FPV Model Xracer F303
OSD / PDB: RedRotor RROSD Pro
Receiver: FrSky X4R-SB
FPV Camera: HS1177
Video Transmitter: TS5823
All-up weight with 1300 mAh 4S battery is about 435g.