Power Loop Madness - 25% Speed w/ Sticks Overlay | RAW ACRO QUADCOPTER FPV FREESTYLE

5,656 Views · Posted 8 years ago
A viewer requested a slowed-down version of the sticks overlay video from Power Loop Madness. Here it is! This is actually four or five different flights from the same session, so you will notice a lot of similarity between them. You can study them as much as you want, and I hope they're educational.

The videos are running at 25% speed, but you should know that you can slow down or speed up ANY YouTube video using the "Speed" option in the gear menu in the lower-right of the video. So if you want to go back to my Sticks Overlay playlist and do some other videos, you can.

STICKS OVERLAY VIDEOS PLAYLIST IS HERE - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwoDb7WF6c8lK61tGcmeCopKS07Wwc4Gt

Sync between the sticks and the video may not be 100% perfect, especially if you are watching at 25% speed so if it seems like there is some slight delay, that is probably why.

Equipment List:

Frame: Lumenier QAV-R - https://goo.gl/hYfgQR
Motors: Rotorgeeks 7075 series 2205/2700kv - https://goo.gl/gF9uZT
ESCs: Rotorgeeks RG20 Plus - https://goo.gl/Mj8q2r
Props: KingKong 5x4x3 - https://goo.gl/PqheEv
FC: Fury F3 - https://goo.gl/EHXPKb
Betaflight 3.0.1
PDB/OSD: RROSD - https://goo.gl/6iJCMs
FPV Cam: RunCam Eagle 4:3 - https://goo.gl/DWWZuL
HD Cam: Xiaomi Yi w/ Waffle FPV Script
vTX - TS5823
Antenna: Foxeer "Unbreakable" 5.8G Circular Polarized
Battery: Mad Dog 1300 and 1500 mAh 4S LiHV - http://ss1.us/a/A0Twjegn
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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