I think I kissed the ice lolol :P Ever since I saw that recent Nurk vid where he brought out the Racer3 I've wanted to rip a giant ice lake, and I finally got the chance. Enjoy! :)
* A Huge Thank You to AirVūz and Armattan for helping me to stay in the air!!
** If you want to help me reach my dreams you can do so by joining my Patreon or sending some love to my PayPal account. It would truly mean the world to me and I’d be eternally grateful.
** Armattan Japalura ** - goo.gl/ME7FRS
- BrotherHobby Tornado T1 1407 3600kv
- KISS CC CompactCTRL - goo.gl/YhGGpj
- RunCam Split RC25G **last try with this lil bastard before I put in a RR Swift 2**