PID Tuning / Blackbox Log Analysis Livestream - 7/17/2016

3,157 Views · Posted 8 years ago
2:14 - Discussion about autotune. Why I don't think autotune is very useful.

7:08 - Cleanflight vs. Betaflight.

11:32 - Blackbox Log Analysis - banq -

19:59 - ZMX v3 or RS2205 2300kv motor. Which is better?

21:23 - Blackbox Log Analysis - riquez -

26:32 - How do I feel about Ready-To-Fly Racing Quads? Vortex Pro 250? TBS Vendetta?

29:47 - Flight Controller discussion. FuriousF3 FC. MultirotorMania Mantis F3. Xracer F303 V3.

33:57 - What to be careful about with the Naze32 r6?

35:18 - Connectors, or direct-solder?

36:36 - Recommended logging rate for Blackbox?

36:59 - Blackbox Log Analysis - MrZ_Insomnia - - Failing yaw gyro on Naze32 r6. What does D term vs. P term oscillation look like?

46:11 - "Twitches" on MCU6500 and 9250 gyros caused by noise on the 3.3v power supply?

47:32 - Blackbox Log Analysis - Nathas -

58:53 - Quadrysteria Rush 4" race day footage and discussion.

1:03:21 - QQ190 full uptilt (60 degrees) footage

1:05:11 - How do you find a good racing line?

1:07:24 - Blackbox Log Analysis - tes4p00ner - - RF failsafe with "hold last value" set. Mismatched ESC throttle curves? ESC top-end calibration?

1:15:39 - EMax Skyline F3 + OSD. RCExplorer BabyPDB.

1:20:27 - Blackbox Log Analysis - PyroFan - - What excess P gain looks like.

1:26:16 - Blackbox Log Analysis - Lokihaus -

1:40:46 - Blackbox Log Analysis - llambkin - - High-frequency D term noise.

1:47:57 - DAL T5045 sucks.
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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