Overcast Days

1,340 Views · Posted 6 years ago
So here's the follow up of my "One Of Those Days" video. Despite all the crashing. I did manage to get a few flights in that gave me enough footage for a quick edit.

This is a wonderful representation of my usual flying. No crazy locations, or epic gaps. Just a good day out with some friends.

Old Man Chicago - Alberta Cross

Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/kYwI2e

Thanks to my all my awesome sponsers:
HobbyWing: http://www.hobbywing.com/
Azure Power: http://www.aphobby.com/
Team Black Sheep: http://www.team-blacksheep.com/
ThunderPower: http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/
RotorX: https://rotorxracing.com/
SpektrumRC: https://www.spektrumrc.com/
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