Out of tune

1,094 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Attempting to tune, and learn how to fly these amazing props. They are so much more precise it is crazy, but it almost feels like raising the rates and so takes some getting used to. Also my limited tuning skills are being put to the test now as these are a lot less forgiving than the bullnose, more work to be done on the tuning and my flying.

But still, progress is good!

ImpulseRC 5" Alien FPV Frame
Cobra 2204 2300kv Motor
HQ 5x4x3 props
Naze32 rev5 Acro - Betaflight
Taranis Plus
X4r SBUS receiver
4S 1301mah 75C VOLO lipo - http://www.multirotorgear.com/volo-1301mah-4s-75c-high-discharge-lipo-battery/

GoPro Hero 3+ Black.

591grams AUW
Posted By

Snake FPV


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