New FatShark Dominator HD2 FPV Goggles Review - Part 2

34,834 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Flight Review with the New Dominator HD2 FPV Goggles from FatShark.

NOTE: Please also view the linked video at the beginning of this video in the Annotation that appears on the screen. Comparison with DomV3 and SkyZOne goggles

The biggest thing we noticed was the Field Of View (FOV) with the Dominator HD2 Goggles. Now if you’re coming from Fatshark Dominator HD goggles then this will be nothing new to you. For Thomas and Myself who have been flying with SkyZone Goggles for almost 2 years now, its a massive change in FOV.

Having said that Thomas adapted to them very quickly, where as I had a little more difficulty. I think that’s more to do with me being old and set in my ways. After filming this video Thomas got me to do 3 Packs one after another on these Goggles and then on the fourth battery I went back to the SkyZone goggles and the FOV seemed too small and I found myself then having to adjust to the FOV on the SkyZones.

I guess what I’m trying to point out here is if you’re going from smaller FOV you have to give these guys a few packs before you’ll get used to them. I still had an issue with focusing on the edges of the screen but they were way better than the First Gen Dominator HD goggles. In fact so much so that at the last Race Meet we went to two of the Guys who used first generation HDs within the first 30seconds had already decided they were upgrading to these Goggles.

Now the Contrast and Dynamic range of the LCDs in these Goggles is fantastic and unlike many other goggles on the market if you don’t get the Contrast and Brightness 100% correct it doesn’t really matter because the video has fantastic detail. The colours are also very vibrant which makes it a lot easier to spot finer details in your FPV Vision.

We’re using the Raceband RX in these goggles which really did work a treat. The DVR records fantastic quality and best of all you can just unplug the battery without fear of losing your FPV Footage. In fact I did this over and over again and never lost any footage at all.

The Fan and fit is also fantastic on these goggle.

One of the most popular questions we’ve been getting is “Do I buy these or the Dominator V3 Goggles”. Once we get our hands on a set we will report back on them and do a comparison.

You can get these from Hobbyking plus other retailers

50 Degree FOV
Plastic/Glass Hybrid Optics
IPD Adjustment 59 - 69 mm
800 x 600 SVGA LCD
Polarized LED Backlight
NTSC/PAL Auto Selection
Side/Side 3D
Stereo Audio
DVR Control
Head Tracking Control
Channel Selection Control
3.5mm AV Port
Mini HDMI Port 720p @ 50/60 Hz
Diopter Lenses available include -2, -4 and -6 dpt

FPV Camera used:

* These Goggles were provided for review by Hobby King and FatShark

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