Morning and Afternoon camping on the Water - Hoodoo Gurus / Castles in the Air - 60fps drone

865 Views · Posted 10 years ago
Early morning and late afternoon moods from Stradbroke Island (Amity) and Brunswick Heads, shot with my little Hexacopter, Sputnik.

Filmed during mine and my friend Ben's 40th weekend getaways respectively. Nothing super exciting, but the chilled vibe reflects the weekends perfectly.

Home brew "Sputnik" hexacopter frame
DYS 3-axis gimbal
Hobbyking 12A Simonk ESCs
Sunnysky X2204 2300KV motors
HQ Prop 6045 glass/nylon props
Turnigy a-spec 1800mah 3S "so-called-65C" batteries
GoPro Hero3 Black
Fatshark Dominators
Immersion RC 5.8ghz TX
Cloverleaf antennas
Runcam PZ0420H FPV camera
Spektrum DX8 / Lemon PPM RX
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