Mini Quadcopter - Hut Playtime / Full Fathom Five - Eternal Struggle

635 Views · Posted 11 years ago
Another fun Sunday at the park. The first part of the video was shot with the TBS Discovery / brushless gimbal. The second half is all mini quad.

The music is the track "Enternal Struggle", by Brisbane band Full Fathom Five. Sadly they are kinda defunct now, but you can (and should) still buy their awesomely cheap albums on iTunes. Or, if you hate Apple like I do, and want to pay less, you can use the link below, and get an actual CD without stupid DRM restrictions!

Big quad:
TBS Discovery with DJI Naza
Tiger 1100kv motors
Hobbyking F30A ESCs with Simonk
Gopro Hero 3 Black
Turnigy nano-tech 3300mah 4S batteries
Video switcher
Custom 3D printed brushless gimbal with RCTimer motors and Alexmos control board

Mini quad:
Custom made frame (designed by a mate, this is his site:
Openpilot CC3D
Hobbyking 12A Simonk ESCs
A1510 2200kv motors
Turnigy nano-tech 1500mah 3S batteries
Mobius keychain camera

FPV and control:
Fatshark Dominators
Immersion RC 5.8ghz TX
Cloverleaf and Crosshair antennas
Securitycamera2000 FPV cameras
Spektrum DX8
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