Mini FPV Quadcopter - Jacaranda Run

231 Views · Posted 11 years ago
October is my favourite month in Brisbane. It's getting nice and warm again, and the Jacarandas flower. Turns out these lovely purple flowers are quite hard to see at times!

It was also ridiculously windy today, which didn't help things.

This is basically straight off the Mobius, I'm too lazy to put music to it. It cuts out at the end too, so I will have to look at the auto-power-loss-cut-off feature of the Mobius - it is cutting a little too finely!

I am flying a custom made frame (designed by mate who is the owner of this site: with an Openpilot CC3D control board. Video is all 5.8 - mixture of Fatshark/ImmersionRC.

Footage is recorded with a Mobius keychain camera.
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