Lost In A Wet Forest

4,967 Views · Posted 5 years ago
So the I had a drone malfunction into the forest. I think it was due to salt water, from the previous flight with this quad. It had just gone through some ocean spray in Puerto Rico, so the stack was probably covered in salt. Causing some kind of failure once I took off.

Luckily, I was able to walk pretty much directly to it, thanks to some DVR. ALWAYS RECORD DVR!!!

Its a great example of why it can be so dangerous to fly a drone over populated areas, you never know when the quad will decided to give out. This is exactly why I like to fly in the forest/no mans land.

No damage from the crash, which is pretty impressive, being that it fell quite far at speed. The soft wet moss must have cushioned its fall.

Big thanks to Cole for tagging along with me. It had just rained minutes before this flight. So all the trees and bushes were soaking wet, which then lead to us getting soaking wet. So again, thanks Cole for being a trooper and chugging along with me.

If you ever crash your quad, study that DVR! Find key landmarks in the flight path that you can then find again while you're on the ground. Those land marks look very different from those two perspectives, so take your time and make sure you're going in the correct direction to start with. Nothing worse than wasting a bunch of time looking in the wrong spot. Once you've gotten to the general area, take into account fall trajectories and a big of tumbling. Then start a grid or spiral that slowly works its way outward. I beeper/buzzer also helps a ton....I need to get my self some of those.

Enjoy the adventure!

Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/kYwI2e

Thanks to my all my awesome sponsers:
The Drone Racing League: https://thedroneracingleague.com/
HobbyWing: http://www.hobbywing.com/
Azure Power: http://www.aphobby.com/
Team Black Sheep: http://www.team-blacksheep.com/
ThunderPower: http://www.thunderpowerrc.com/
SpektrumRC: https://www.spektrumrc.com/
BrainFPV: https://www.brainfpv.com/
Project399: https://www.project399.com/
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