Let's Fly // The Garuda @ UCSC Parking Garage // Episode 1

3,864 Views · Posted 8 years ago
And now for something completely different :) My friend Lance heard I was back in town and wanted to get out and fly- bit of rain sent us to the local car-park at UCSC. Hoping to bring out one of these weekly along with a weekly flight video! Next epsiode is recorded, please send me your episode ideas! What would you want me to fly, and where?!

Garuda Frame from Falcon Multirotors //
BeeRotor F3 Flight Controller & PDB http://rctimer.com/product-1527.html
BeeRotor BLHeli_S ESC's
BeeRotor "Zoe 3D FPV" 2205-2300kv Motors
GemFan 5x4x3 PC Propellers
Video Aerial Systems/Team Black Sheep Antenna & TBS Unify Pro // http://www.team-blacksheep.com/
RunCam Swift with 2.1mm Lens // http://www.runcam.com/
Tattu 1550' 4S 75c // http://www.genstattu.com/

Follow me, like, comment, and subscribe :D
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/zoefpv/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/zoefpv
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zoe.stumbaugh
AirVuz: https://www.airvuz.com/user/ZoeFPV
Offical Site https://ZoeFPV.com

First Day with a DJI Mavic: "DJI Mavic Can't Touch My 3D Dancin'"
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