Let's Build! Multirotor Mania's OSO 250 "Race Edition"

6,108 Views · Posted 9 years ago
Welcome to the Multirotor Mania OSO Race Edition Let’s Build! In this video we take a pile of parts and build out a race ready(and 3D Freestyle ready?!?!!) drone. Filming was a bit scattered, so please let me know if something doesn’t make sense-or if I got something wrong! Please Comment, Like, and Subscribe for more videos like this and others on the MRM OSO Race Edition!

Let’s Build Video Index:
00:26 - Initial Power Distribution Board Preparation
01:37 - Soldering Servo Pins to Board
02:19 - 5v & 12v Pololu Soldering
03:22 - Attaching MinimOSD to PDB
04:02 - Power Filtering Setup & Explanation
06:57 - Video Transmitter Wiring Harness
06:55 - DragonFly 32 Flight Controller Pins & Soldering
10:16 - LED Setup(Pay Attention!)
12:21 - Battery Connector How To
14:49 - FPV Camera Soldering
15:18 - PDB Bridge for OSD
16:19 - Close-Up of “Finished” PDB
17:56 - Mounting arms to PDB(How I screwed up)
18:40 - Motor Mounting(Huehuehue)
19:25 - Tool Time - Self Adhesive Tape
21:11 - Attaching standoffs to PDB(Fixing my screw up!)
21:41 - ESC Preparation & Soldering
25:04 - Mounting Receiver & Video Transmitter
26:28 - Antenna Protection
27:17 - FPV Camera Mounting
28:40 - Hot Glue and You!
29:06 - Final Thoughts

MRM OSO Race Edition Kit with Titan 2206 Motors: http://www.multirotormania.com/multirotor-packages/1157-mrm250-race-edition-combo.html
DragonFly 32 Flight Controller: http://www.multirotormania.com/32-bit-/239-dragonfly32-pro.html
LED: http://www.multirotormania.com/led-lighting/1073-rgb-5050-led-bar.html
D4R Reciever: http://www.multirotormania.com/receivers/936-frsky-d4r-ii-48-channel-receiver-wcppm.html
FPV Camera: http://www.multirotormania.com/fpv-cameras/378-mini-600tvl-sony-super-had-ccd-super-fpv-camera.html
Video Transmitter: http://www.multirotormania.com/video-transmitters/1117-boscam-race-band-400mw-mini-58g-32ch-vtx-.html
GoPro Mount: http://www.multirotormania.com/accessories/1092-gopro-hero-3-tpu-mount-mrm250zmr250.html
12v Pololu: http://www.multirotormania.com/becregulator/399-12v-step-upstep-down-voltage-regulator-pololu-s10v2f12.html
5v Pololu: http://www.multirotormania.com/becregulator/599-5v-600ma-step-down-voltage-regulator-d24v6f5.html
Reciever Antenna Mount: http://www.multirotormania.com/accessories/905-receiver-antenna-mount.html

DragonFly32 - MRM 250 Wiring Diagram(Look Here!)

OSO Grande’s SimplePDB Build Video(Recommended Watching)

OSO Grande’s SimplePDB Overview

Corrections… When I mentioned “mAH” I meant “MW” in reference to the LEDs. Also the explanation of the power filter is probably slightly off, please let me know if there is a better way of explaining it! Also, if you are installing the OSD make sure to flash it ahead of time before installing, also you'll need to use the included cable with this kit to connect the 5v, Ground, TX, and RX pins on the PDB to the Flight Controller.

Special thanks to the Brian’s over at Multirotor Mania- they’ve been patient with this build video which was supposed to be released over a month ago. Had some technical difficulties with production and the build, plus medical issues- am happy that it’s finally out! Am pretty happy with the result :D

Also special shout out to Lance for the new lighting, and audio equipment donation from old friends the Motorcycles & Misfits podcast. Think I’ve figured out how to record these videos in a more fluid way in the future, look forward to improved production quality!

Music: Awakening of a Dream Ambient Mix.

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