LDO Episode; Tony Cake From ImmersionRC

527 Views · Posted 7 years ago
00:00 Intro's and thanks to the patreons!
06:00 Cottaging..???
08:00 Connection between Fatshark & IRC
12:00 Tramp V2, mmcx's v u.FL's
17:00 RF Power Tester
19:00 NFC Android 'Wand' App
22:00 Event organisation / LapRF
26:00 Tramp powers
29:00 New RF VTx Meter
36:00 Fatshark goggles smash em up video
40:00 Fatshark 101 Live Unboxing
48:00 Vortex's
49:00 Editor and thethursdaynightshow.com
51:00 IRC v TBS
54:00 FCC v GetFPV
1:02:00 Drones v Policemen in Switzerland
1:05:00 Competition

Immersion RC

Tonight We get to speak to Tony Cake From ImmersionRC

Let's drone out is;
Jack - https://www.youtube.com/user/brightontillifly
NJ - https://www.youtube.com/user/neiljonesguitar
Tony - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTonstar1
Andy - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAndyRC
Frank- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhaKilBilC3aNwxZJ9u4Rg
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Lets Drone Out

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