Just Once

296 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Every single flight that we make is unique.
Nothing will be the same, every pack is a unique flight in the entire universe. Think about this!

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Frame - Realacc Angle220S https://goo.gl/RAzAY2
VTX - PandaRC 5804 V2 https://goo.gl/qX6fxq
FC - Helio Spring http://heliorc.com
ESC - Holybro Tekko32 35A https://goo.gl/sKCvDT
Fw - Butterflight 3.4.3
Cam FPV - Foxeer Predator Mini 1.8 https://goo.gl/8YcFGc
GoPro Mount - https://goo.gl/sNfVDM
Motors - EMAX LS2207 2550kv https://goo.gl/KLmrdJ
RX - FrSky XM+ https://goo.gl/cbd1dS
Prop - Gemfan Flash 5152 2-blade https://goo.gl/WmRZSW

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